Changes to rules which govern the call in procedure for planning applications will give Powys County Councillors “more power” a senior planning chief has said.

At a meeting of the Planning, Taxi Licensing and Rights of Way committee earlier this month, councillors discussed a report suggesting changes that needed to be made to the planning protocol.

Applications can either be decided by planning officers or by councillors at a committee meeting.

One of the ways that an application can land in front of the committee is if the local county councillor has exercised their right to “call in” the application.

This is usually due to the perception that the application is controversial in nature to residents and town or community council who may also ask the county councillor to exercise their right to “call in” the scheme.

Under the changes the section which stops call in on “re-submitted” planning applications where no substantial changes have been made which was refused permission will be deleted.

A section will be added to the rules which concerns historic call in requests made by councillors who are no longer members of the council, with the new councillor being able to “confirm or withdraw the call-in.”