WORK to eradicate Himalayan balsam from three rivers in mid Wales is showing real signs of success, according to Natural Resources Wales.

The Ystwyth valley is now said to be largely free of Himalayan balsam right down to Llanilar, the Rheidol down to Aberffrwd and the Teifi down to Lampeter.

Himalayan balsam can be a huge problem for wildlife. It outcompetes and displaces native plants. It increases bank erosion, which can affect water quality and smother fish spawning beds, while at the same time contributing to increasing flood risk downstream.

Andy Polkey, NRW Senior Nature Reserve Manager in Ceredigion said: “Because Himalayan balsam grows on riverbanks, the seeds are carried downstream each year to invade new areas.

“By working to tackle the problem from the tops of catchments, we are making our money go further, and hope to stop the plant from recolonising by working downstream.