A project aimed at boosting the use of the Welsh language in Gwynedd has come to fruition with the breakaway of a new community-led initiative.

From 1 April, Menter Iaith Gwynedd will become an independent entity, separate from the local authority and will start a new chapter thanks to a financial investment commitment of more than £200,000 from Cyngor Gwynedd in 2021 which has supported the project.

This development will allow the Menter Iaith to be closer to the communities it supports and ensure that it is in a better position to continue adding to linguistic and cultural activity in Gwynedd. The Menter Iaith intends to build on the relationships that are already rooted within communities across the county, continue to support individuals and societies to use more Welsh, and ensure an effective new way of working that is similar to the majority of other Mentrau Iaith in Wales.

Iwan Hywel, Menter Iaith Gwynedd's Principal Officer said: "Since the establishment of Hunaniaith as part of Cyngor Gwynedd in 2009, the Menter Iaith has had many successes, one of which was the establishment of the Gwynedd Primary Schools Welsh Language Charter. The scheme has now been adopted by Welsh Government and schools across Wales are following Gwynedd's example, using the charter on a daily basis.

"The rebranded Menter will continue the good work and will go on to collaborate and target new audiences within our communities to ensure that there is an opportunity for everyone – from children and families, to new speakers, and businesses and organisations – to be able to use more Welsh in their everyday lives."

Cllr Nia Jeffreys, Leader of Cyngor Gwynedd, said: "Promoting the use of the Welsh language by the residents of Gwynedd is a priority for the Council and the establishment of a sustainable, independent language initiative is key to this aim.

"We are extremely proud of the excellent work that the Menter Iaith has been doing over the years within the Council, and the time has come for us to build on its strengths and develop as we look to the future. The Welsh language and our communities will benefit from having a Menter Iaith that is led and supported by our communities.

"I look forward to seeing the new Menter Iaith develop and grow and help to increase the use of the Welsh language throughout the county."

Cllr Llio Elenid Owen, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services with responsibility for the Welsh Language within the Council, added:

"I would like to wish the hard-working team from the Menter Iaith well as they embark on this new phase. Rooting the Menter in the community and gaining support from our communities is an important step forward.

"Working in this way will be an opportunity to attract financial investment from various sources, be more creative and improve forward planning without being dependent on short-term Welsh Government grants. I look forward to further collaboration in order to see the Welsh language continue to thrive in our communities."