Powys leisure centres have reported a £750k surplus in last year's budget as the council states no decision has yet been made on closures.

This comes after a review was called to look into the leisure facilities across the county, including those in Machynlleth and Llanidloes in response to the cost of living crisis and huge jumps in running costs.

This week Freedom Leisure reported a £746,786 surplus of their £12 million budget for 2023/24.

Freedom Leisure runs 13 leisure, sports and swimming facilities in Powys, and saw a 3.4 per cent increase in people attending the centres compared to in 2022/23.

Freedom Leisure said: “Participation increase demonstrates we are providing a good all-round service with good accessibility to all forms of exercise.

“This is supported by our centre programmes and services that engage with Powys communities.”

Electricity and gas usage by the leisure centres dropped whilst casual swimmers visiting has increased by 3.1 per cent, and 5,200 children took part in the learn to swim programme each week.

Despite rumours that eight swimming pools across Powys could be under threat of closure thanks to the review and the new ‘Sustainable Powys’ programme designed to address the council’s deficit, Powys County Council said no decisions have yet been made.

The council is predicting a £18m budget deficit next year, growing to £64 million over the next three years.

A spokesperson said this means “we can't afford to continue delivering our services in the same way”, adding that the review on leisure facilities was being finalised, with the findings to be published this autumn. Cllr Richard Church, Cabinet Member for a Safer Powys, said: “I want to reassure our residents that no decisions have been made about the future of leisure provision across the county.

“We are determined to work with our communities and the people of Powys in shaping future delivery of all council services.

“However, the council is facing financial pressures which is presenting us with a considerable gap in our finances.

"Given the challenges we're facing, every area of the council is under review.

“Our aim is to provide good quality leisure centres that the council can afford to run and are as accessible as possible to all the residents of our county.

"Sustainable Powys is about working together to design a future, and also building resilience so community-led solutions can help meet local need.”