Welsh Conservative leader, R T Davies says there is “still no discernible action being taken”, following the Government’s update on the TB Advisory Group.

“The track record of previous Labour Ministers is poor when it comes to understanding the disease, the impact on livestock and wildlife, and the human impact on farmers across Wales,” he added.

“When you look at the success across the border in the reduction of Bovine TB, I can only hope the advisory group can convince Welsh Government to follow the science and use all the tools available to eradicate this horrific disease.”

Huw Irranca-Davies MS, Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change & Rural Affairs, announced the Bovine TB Eradication Programme Board membership on 12 August, saying: “I am pleased to announce the establishment of the Bovine TB Eradication Programme Board. Following the formation, in April 2024 of the Bovine TB Technical Advisory Group (TAG) this completes the Governance structure for the programme set out in the TB Eradication Programme Delivery Plan published in March 2023.

“The Board is intended to largely be made up of farmers from different parts of Wales and farming backgrounds. The chair of the Board will also be a farmer.

“Officials representing three, key industry organisations - National Farmers Union Cymru, Farmers’ Union of Wales and the British Veterinary Association Welsh branch - will also be appointed.

“Finally, there will be three ex-officio members representing the Welsh Government and the Animal and Plant Health Agency.”

Letters of appointment have been sent, and further details will be released.

The Board will meet quarterly to consider evidence and advice from the TB Technical Advisory Group (TAG), as well as others, and will provide strategic advice.

Early priorities for the Board include agreeing ways of working and terms of reference, consideration of TAG’s advice in relation to the six-yearly review of Wales’ TB eradication targets, and exploring how to improve communications and engagement with farmers and vets.

“I am happy to make this announcement as it shows the Welsh Government’s clear commitment to listening to industry and placing partnership working at the very centre of the Bovine TB Eradication Programme.