Plans to enshrine international human rights treaties into Welsh law will no longer be brought forward by 2026 despite a manifesto commitment, a committee heard.

Labour’s 2021 Senedd manifesto pledged to incorporate United Nations conventions on rights of disabled people and the elimination of discrimination against women.

But the Senedd’s equality and social justice committee was told the Welsh Government will not introduce legislation on the UN treaties before the election in May 2026.

Simon Hoffman, a professor in law at Swansea University who specialises in human rights, led 2021 research on advancing equality and human rights in Wales.

His report made 40 recommendations including calling for a Welsh human rights bill.

In his written evidence to the inquiry, Prof Hoffman said preparatory work will not be complete in time for legislation to be brought forward during the current Senedd term.

He told the meeting: “I don’t think we can achieve what was in the recommendation…. I think the best we can think about is possibly a green paper and a timeline.”

Witnesses warned a lack of time and money has harmed efforts to incorporate UN treaties and that “Wales’ unique devolution settlement does not lend itself to rapid progress.”