THE number of residents and families seeking help from Ceredigion County Council over fears of homelessness has remained steady over the past four years, a new report has outlined, but the amount of those cases that were unsuccessful in preventing homelessness has risen.

The figures come from a report on Ceredigion’s Housing Support Programme for 2022-2026, which was approved by Ceredigion Cabinet members last week.

The programme sets out the authority’s plans in relation to homelessness prevention and housing support to “avoid and reduce the risks of homelessness and rooflessness in the county”, with funding support through the Housing Support Grant.

The Housing Support Grant is an early intervention grant programme to support activity which prevents people from becoming homeless, stabilises their housing situation or helps potentially homeless people to find and keep accommodation.

In 2020/21, the report outlines, 189 cases received assistance to secure new accommodation in Ceredigion, with 78 of those unsuccessful.

“Unsuccessful cases have risen by around 30 per cent,” the report said. “Significant factors in this figure have been the legislation changes during the pandemic, along with the increased demand in the housing market.”

The number of successful preventions has increased since the start of the pandemic.

In 2019-20, 65 per cent of total cases referred to the council were prevented from becoming homeless, compared with an equivalent of 75 per cent cases in 2020-21.

This followed a broad average success rate of around 70 per cent in recent years, except for 2018-19 where this dipped to 58 per cent.

“The rate of presentations from single person households for support under the various duties is significant, representing more than 60 per cent of cases,” the report added.

“This has clear implications given the deficit in one-bedroomed properties within the county.”

The report said that the new programme, which will last four years and involve several partners in a bid to tackle homelessness in the county, will require “significant investment”, which will come from a “variety of sources” including almost £4m from the Housing Support Grant.

Cllr Matthew Vaux, Ceredigion Cabinet member for partnerships, housing, legal and governance and public protection, said: “I am pleased that the Housing Support Programme for 2022-26 has today been approved.

“The programme brings together statutory, third and private sector partners to work effectively together to ensure the people in Ceredigion have access to suitable housing with timely and appropriate support within their local communities.”

Homeless needs in county assessed

A needs assessment in Ceredigion carried out in preparation for the Housing Support Programme “highlighted several areas to focus on in the coming period”, a council report said.

The assessment found:

• Residents are concerned about affordable housing opportunities.

• 55 per cent of respondents suggested that insufficient housing to meet different needs.

• The number and proportion of cases positively discharged has increased consistently.

• Single person households account for more than 60 per cent of cases.

• The number of available temporary accommodation units has increased by

36 per cent over the pandemic period.

• The number of placements into temporary accommodation has almost doubled in 2020/21 compared to 2019/20.

• There is a high level of need for one bedroom homes in the major settlements and two bedroom family homes more generally.

• Social housing accounts for only 10 per cent of Ceredigion housing, compared with a national average of 16 per cent.

• Greatest identified need for support is in homeless prevention.

• Other needs identified as significant include those with mental health or substance misuse issues, physical or sensory disabilities, chronic health needs and over-55s.