First Minister, Vaughan Gething has set out his legislative priorities saying he wants to ensure the Welsh Government is building “an ambitious future for a fairer, stronger, greener Wales.”

Legislation to be introduced in the remainder of this Senedd term includes measures to improve transport links across the country, protect people and communities, and tackle the climate emergency.

The programme will include new and updated laws on bus transport, building safety, mines and quarries, homelessness, visitor accommodation, environment and biodiversity, a bill to give local authorities powers to introduce a visitor levy and another to simplify and modernise planning law in Wales

The First Minister also confirmed the Welsh Government would consult on a draft Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Bill.

Speaking in the Senedd, Mr Gething said: “Both our record of delivery and our plans for the future reflect our commitment to radical and transformative change for every corner of Wales as we focus our resources on what matters most in people's daily lives.

“From completely reshaping the public transport system to protecting our critical infrastructure and safeguarding the environment, our ambitious legislative programme will make a real difference to the lives of people all across Wales.”