Plaid Cymru has called for the devolution of the Crown Estate to Wales to ensure that the new investments directly benefit Welsh communities.

Plaid Cymru Westminster leader, Liz Saville Roberts MP, has responded to the UK Government’s announcement of a partnership between the Crown Estate and Great British Energy.

She said the plan should benefit Welsh households, not just private companies, and reiterated her party’s call for the devolution of the Crown Estate.

In Scotland, where the Crown Estate is devolved, net revenues generated from the Scottish Crown Estate marine assets are allocated to councils to support community benefit projects in their areas.

In 2023/2024 this amounted to £11.1 million.

Ms Saville Roberts MP said: “North Wales has some of the highest energy bills in the United Kingdom with bills around £129 a year higher than the UK average.

“The Government’s investment plans largely rely on private investment and they should clearly set out how this will benefit households in Wales, over private companies.

“Devolution of the Crown Estate is also vital in Wales if we are to ensure that profits made from leasing land for energy projects are retained in Wales, as they are in Scotland.”