Ceredigion MP Ben Lake returned to a new-look Westminster this week and has vowed to repay the faith the people of his constituency have showed in him.

Speaking to the Cambrian News, Mr Lake said: “Earning such a large majority was beyond my wildest dreams and I am humbled by the vote and will make sure that I restore the faith that the people of Ceredigion have put in me.

Mr Lake travelled back to London on Sunday and met up with fellow Plaid Cymru MPs and staff today before Parliament begins tomorrow.

Speaking on the bigger picture and the new look of the House of Commons, Mr Lake said: “You cannot deny that Mr Johnson has an incredible majority and things will be different this time round.

“Our job will still be to hold the government to account on any legislation but it will be much harder to do so with such a large majority.

“Mr Johnson will have a much easier six months going forward than he did in the first six months.”

Parliament is expecting to swear in MPs on Tuesday and Wednesday, before a Queen’s speech on Thursday and a vote on the Brexit Bill on Friday.

Speaking about what people said to him on the doorstep when out campaigning, Mr Lake said: “I think my first sense was that everyone was engaged with the election even if it was to speak of their frustration.

“Brexit wasn’t the only issue that people wanted to talk about.

“In fact there were several when I spoke to people, from the NHS to Wales as a nation.

“I must say, though, that people were very polite in the county. Even if we had separate points of views, we had a conversation and it was positive. Agreeing to disagree.

“That said, there is a divide in this country and it will be quite a task to heal those divides.”

For more reaction to the election, see this week’s Cambrian News, on sale on Wednesday