A scheme to site a beauty therapy business in a storage container unit on a Cardigan industrial estate has been deferred as planners await further details of a Welsh Water call to prohibit it for at least three years.

The application, by Mark Jukes, of Mark Jukes Containers, seeks to use a storage container for the beauty therapy business, as part of a trial run to see if it’s successful, at Parc Piliau, Pentood Industrial Estate.

A complication for the plans is the site is currently designated for industrial use and storage rather than for beauty therapy.

The application was considered by Ceredigion County Council’s development management committee, meeting on 10 July, with an officer recommendation for refusal, mainly as it was not in a designated area for such businesses, and was not in the town centre.

Dwr Cymru had also raised a concern, saying the existing Cardigan Waste Water Treatment Plant is at capacity; recommending a condition prohibiting occupation until March 2027 or until planned upgrading works have been completed.

Mr Jukes already runs an established container business – of some 15 years – at the Parc Piliau site, and sought permission to use a container as a dummy-run for the business his daughter wants to start.

A supporting statement for planners said: “This site has been chosen to run the business as a test facility to get a feel for the demand for such services in the area.

“Therefore, to prevent unnecessary overheads of a small business and to encourage success of the business, siting the business at this site would be the best option as the land is already owned by the family of the business.”

Despite the recommendation for refusal, committee members gave general support for the scheme, the business aspect of which has secured a Cynnal y Cardi grant subject to planning permission.

However, a sticking point, preventing a move to go against officer recommendation and approve, was the Dwr Cymru condition.

Committee members eventually backed the application being deferred, seeking clarification from Dwr Cymru position on whether it was able to review its position.