Plans for 37 new homes in Llanarth are recommended for approval despite attracting dozens of objections over highway safety and the impact the development would have on the village.

Developers have applied to build the new homes – seven of which will be affordable – on land south of Alma Street.

The scheme is set to go before members of Ceredigion County Council’s Development Management Committee on Wednesday, 10 July.

Llanarth Community Council said it is” seeking a community benefit from the application” raised concerns that this “large development would further dilute the Welsh Language population in the village."

Objectors raised highway safety concerns and fears over increase noise, air pollution and a loss of privacy.

Other objectors said the design of the development was “out of character with the area”, while others raised concerns over the “impact on biodiversity and ecology.”

Concerns were also raised as to whether the open market dwellings would be affordable to local residents, with some questioning the “need for further residential development in Llanarth” with the “impact” on the capacity of the village’s school.

The application is recommended for approval by Ceredigion County Council planning officers subject to conditions and a section 106 agreement.