PLANS for a new adventure tourism hub near Cardigan are expected to be backed by Pembrokeshire National Park despite the Welsh government putting any final decision on hold.

Jet Moore, managing director of Adventure Beyond Ltd, is seeking permission for an outdoor adventure centre, with art studio and storage space above, and associated works at The Old Bus Depot, Moylegrove.

The application has been before multiple meetings of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s development management committee, and is again recommended for approval at the 4 September meeting.

The plot was originally used as a bus depot by the founder of the Richards Bros bus company.

Concerns have been raised about the scheme, including local community council Nevern, and opponents fear that increased business for adventure firms will worsen the plight of birds and animals, some of which are on the UK’s amber conservation list.

In a supporting statement for the scheme, Jet Moore, managing director of coasteering, kayaking and field studies outdoor activities provider Adventure Beyond Ltd, says a site previously used for equipment and vehicles necessary for activities at Ceibwr Bay and surrounds may soon be unavailable, with “the Old Bus Depot site is the only suitable commercial site for us to transfer our operations to”.

The applicant said there has been “much positive feedback” to the scheme, but adds: “However, I am also aware that, sadly, a small but vocal group has taken against the development. I am not sure exactly what the objections are, all that has been communicated to me is that they are against ‘over-tourism’ at Ceibwr.”

The application was previously deferred at both the June and July meetings, the former for a site visit.

A report for planners says that, since the early July site visit, “a Holding Direction has been received from Welsh Government which does not allow for a positive decision to be issued prior to the Direction being lifted, but this does not prevent the application being considered by members”.

A Welsh Government ‘holding direction’ allows time to consider whether the application should be ‘called-in’ for Welsh Government determination or not, meaning the authority can consider the scheme but can’t grant permission until that status is decided.

The recommendation before the September meeting is for delegated approval, subject to the Holding Direction being lifted, along with an agreement on a draft Habitats Regulations Assessment, not yet formally agreed by Natural Resources Wales.