Plans for a new home in Pontsian have been turned down by county council planners over river phosphate fears and a lack of need for open market housing in the area.
Developers had applied for outline planning permission to build a single new home on a vacant plot at Gelli Aur.
Natural Resources Wales objected to the scheme over its effect on River Teifi phosphate levels, while council planners said there was “no headroom” to deliver more houses in the area under the Local Development Plan.
In principle, a report said, “a dwelling can be accommodated at this location without significant detriment to the residential amenity of neighbouring property”, but the development was turned down due to the other factors.
Ceredigion County Council planning officers, refusing the scheme under delegated powers last week, said “there is no demonstrated need for any additional open market dwellings” in the area; there was “no agreement has been entered into which would ensure the provision of affordable housing”; and “the proposed development by virtue of the resultant increase in the occupancy of the site would result in a net increase in phosphate levels within the River Teifi Special Areas of Conservation.”