Listed building consent has been granted on a scheme to turn a Cardigan site into flats after a previous plan was turned down in December 2023.

This application seeks permission for the change of use of the building currently known as Highbury House Hotel into seven flats.

Highbury House Hotel previously comprised two houses known as Brooklands and Highbury.

The building was listed in 1992 for historic interest of remaining parts of the 18th Century gaol of which the stonework is clearly visible on the north wall.

An original plan for the site was refused in December 2023 because “the proposed alterations would give rise to substantial harm to the listed building.”

A planning report says: “The scheme has since been amended to reduce the number of flats by one, to provide more accurate information on the remaining features and previous layout changes, on the retention of the remaining historic features, and on the various unauthorised works that have been carried out over a number of years.”

Ceredigion council planning officers said: “The building had undergone a number of inappropriate internal and external alterations prior to listing, with few historic features or details remaining, and with a number of en-suites added along with the upvc conservatory on the front.

“The proposed scheme does have some impact on the layout of the building, but this is outweighed by the potential improvements that are proposed such as the removal of the upvc conservatory on the front elevation.

“The scheme as now proposed is considered acceptable as it will not impact detrimentally on the character and appearance of the listed building, or its fabric, and is therefore in line with the relevant legislation, planning policy and guidance.”

An associated full planning application for the scheme is currently being considered by Ceredigion County Council planners.