Plans for three homes near Talybont have been deferred once again in the hope an agreement can be reached on them all being affordable houses.

The application, by David Owen, seeks the erection of one family dwelling and two affordable houses on land previously granted planning consent for residential use at Swn Y Gwynt, Bontgoch.

The application states: “The proposal is a substitute for the earlier application to develop the site and provide two market value dwellings, one for the applicant’s own family and the other to be sold to assist in the funding of the development.

“As this application was refused an alternative proposal is being applied for. The revised proposal is to alter the existing plot entrance and widen it to provide a new shared access for a total of three dwellings, two being affordable houses for sale under a Section 106 agreement and the third being a larger market value house which the developer will use as his family dwelling.

“The two S106 dwellings are of a modest size related to the scale and extent of the plot and combined with the developer’s proposed family dwelling is deemed a much better use of land than the original single large dwelling. This is more in keeping with government guidelines on sustainable use of development land.”

At the February Ceredigion County Council development management committee meeting, the application was deferred despite a recommendation for refusal, to allow a ‘cooling off’ period to consider the points raised by members, to consider the significance of the departure and to consider the risks prior to reporting back to committee.

The application was again considered at the April meeting.

Members heard that only three smaller affordable homes could be considered at the site, but no further responses had been received from either the applicant or the agent.

They supported a proposal by Councillor Gareth Lloyd to defer the application further, with the option of approval if all three units were affordable, along with a reduction in size of the main house.