Plans to convert the roof space of a disused west Wales Baptist chapel to living accommodation have been refused.

Toby Downing, of The Vestrey, Penuel Chapel, sought permission for the conversion of the roof space of Grade-II-listed Penuel Chapel, High Street, Cilgerran.

Work started on Penuel Chapel in 1861, designed by John Evans of Cilgerran, and was used as a place of worship up to 2009.

The chapel building has been used in the past from time to time as a village community hall, prior to the construction of a new hall funded through a grant from the Millennium commission after the year 2000.

A heritage statement – through agent Oliver Llewelyn – in support of the plans said: “The Baptist organisation which no longer has any ownership or other rights in the property has relinquished any desire to perpetuate the use of this building for worship or any other community activity, and has expressed a willingness to support an application for change of use of the chapel as well as the vestry.”

A Pembrokeshire County Council officer report, recommending refusal of listed building consent, saying the balcony proposal would have a negative impact on the character of the building and it was refused.