An application has been made to demolish a former care home in Aberystwyth to make way for housing.

Ceredigion County Council sold Bodlondeb care home in Penparcau to Wales and West Housing in December last year

The 50-bed care home was closed by the county council in 2018 and was put on the market with priority being given to buyers who intended to use the site for social care.

Five years on, Ceredigion County Council confirmed that the board of Wales and West Housing has completed a sale agreement on the property, but do not say how much the building was sold for.

While the sale figure has remained private, Wales and West Housing has moved ahead with its plands for the site.

The housing association has lodged plans with Ceredigion County Council to demolish the building as the first phase of work.

Gareth Thomas, Regional Development Manager at Wales & West Housing, said that work on plans to redevelop the site for affordable housing are continuing and said the site would feature “quality, modern, energy-efficient homes that will help to meet the high demand for housing for local people of all ages in Aberystwyth.”

The Bodlondeb home was closed in January 2018 despite vehement local opposition.

Its ongoing closure, with no plans over its future forthcoming from the county council since it shut its doors caused anger in the community.

Just last year, before its eventual sale, Penparcau Cllr Carl Worrall said he was “asked daily” by residents about the building, who wanted it to be brought back as a care home.

It will now become housing if permission to demolish it is granted.

The money from the sale, Ceredigion County Council said, will help towards providing care in other locations in the north county and will offset some of the costs the council took on by taking over the under threat Hafan y Waun home in June last year.

This year, Ceredigion council signed off on the closure of another home – Tregerddan in Bow Street – despite more local objections.

Staff and residents were moved to boost numbers at Hafan y Waun.

At the time of the Bodlondeb sale, Cllr Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion County Council, said the council “looks forward to this building having a new lease of life.”

"After exhausting all avenues to sell the former care home, it was agreed to sell the site on the open market,” he said.

“We are pleased that the site will be brought back into use.

“This supports many of the Council’s corporate priorities including creating caring and healthy communities.”

Cllr Alun Williams, Cabinet Member for Through Age Wellbeing, said at the time: “We are very pleased to complete this sale to a respected housing association which will bring an important building back into use.

“The money from the sale will help us to improve our social care provision throughout the county, particularly at Hafan y Waun care home, along with other care locations in the county.”