Machynlleth residents have chosen their new town and county councillors.

Plaid Cymru candidate Alwyn Evans won the county council seat with 267 votes, 40 votes more than the runner-up Gareth Jones.

Independent candidate Gwenan Phillips won the town council seat with 445 votes, 293 more than the runner-up Zoe Matthews.

Machynlleth County Council candidates Dylan Owen, Alwyn Evans and Colin Rigby
Machynlleth County Council candidates Dylan Owen, Alwyn Evans and Colin Rigby (Supplied)

On winning the county council seat, music teacher and town councillor Evans said: “I’m really pleased, it’s been an emotional ride.

“I’m very pleased and looking forward to representing Machynlleth on Powys County Council.

“A great thanks to Elwyn Vaughan for all his help and Kate as well.”

This comes after the sad passing of Cllr Michael Williams in late July this year.

A by-election was called to fill the two seats he held in town and county councils for over 40 years.

Gwenan Phillips (right) with runner-up Zoe Matthews (left)
Gwenan Phillips (right) with runner-up Zoe Matthews (left) (Submitted)

The full results for the county council seat for the Machynlleth ward are:

Alwyn Evans (Plaid Cymru) - 267

Gareth Jones (Independent) - 227

Colin Rigby (Labour) - 115

Dylan Owen (Lib Dem) - 81 Amerjit Dhaliwal (Green) - 34

Oliver Lewis (Reform UK) - 20

The full results for the Machynlleth Town Council seat are:

Gwenan Phillips (Independent) - 445

Zoe Matthews (Independent) - 152

Dai Jones (Independent) - 140