A petition has been launched to save a community hall in Bala.

Crime writer and former police officer Clare Mackintosh has set up the petition in a bid to stop Gwynedd Council from selling Neuadd Buddug, a community hall in Bala.

"The building was originally purchased by Bala Urban Council and we are petitioning for it to be returned to the town to be a community centre," Clare's petition states.

"A proposal submitted to Gwynedd Council in 2019 was ignored. We have since set up a Community Interest Company and submitted a further proposal but Gwynedd Council say the window for discussion has closed. They shut the building in 2018 - it has been unused since then.

"Bala does not have a town hall or a size-appropriate meeting space which is available at all times.

"In 1971 Neuadd Buddug was bought by what was then Bala Urban District Council, to be used by the community. In 1974, local government reorganisation resulted in Bala Council's assets passing to the newly formed Merioneth District Council. In 1996, a further local government reorganisation resulted in the creation of unitary authorities. Merioneth was abolished and its assets transferred to the newly formed Gwynedd County Council.

"Gwynedd Council is thus the owner of Neuadd Buddug only by default - morally the building belongs to Bala."

The petition also notes that last year "Snowdonia National Park carried out a conservation area appraisal and identified Neuadd Buddug as an important Undesignated Historic Asset of Special Local Interest. It would be a tragedy to lose this important community asset".

Clare, who sits on Bala Town Council, is part of a community group fighting the council sale of a community building.

Setting up the petition, which can be found at www.change.org/p/return-neuadd-buddug-to-the-bala-community, is part of the group's efforts to retain the hall for the people of Bala.

Gwynedd Council has been asked to comment.