A PETITION calling for the reinstatement of a railway line to connect north and south Wales has gained more than 10,000 signatures in a matter of weeks.

The petition was launched after a Ceredigion County Council meeting was told a new line would not be built between Aberystwyth and Carmarthen for around another 40 years.

Rail campaigners, Traws Link Cymru, say they are celebrating after the petition gained almost 11,000 signatures in a matter of weeks.

A TLC spokesperson said: “We are elated at the speed at which this significant number of signatures was reached. Gaining over 10,000 signatories on a new petition means that this matter can now be considered for a debate in the Senedd and it clearly shows public support from across Wales to reinstate railways between the north and south.

“Significantly, the reopening of the railways lines is clearly not a party-political issue, as the campaign has drawn support from local and regional councillors, as well as from members of the Senedd, across the political spectrum. Indeed, there is a growing appreciation of the wider economic, social and environmental benefits that these railway reopening’s could bring to Wales.

“The remarkable news about the petition comes a few weeks after a press headline suggested that Wales would have to wait 30-40 years to see the rail links between Bangor and Porthmadog, and between Aberystwyth and Carmarthen reinstated.

“The speed with which the petition reached its target and the nationwide backing reflected in the voting demographics, suggests that not only Traws Link Cymru but also the public at large strongly disagree with this assessment by the Welsh Government and its transport advisors.

“It also underlines the fact that, as is often argued, buses are not the only answer to Wales’s chronic transport problems especially in Wales.”

The petition can be found here