PENPARCAU Community Forum has secured half a million pounds in funding to continue serving the community for another four years.

The forum has been awarded a £499,331 grant from the National Lottery to continue serving the community for four years.

The Forum will use the funding to deliver a range of events and activities to the community of Penparcau.

They want to help the community by bringing people from all generations and backgrounds together.

They intend to continue their work reducing isolation.

Penparcau Community Forum will work with residents to plan their approach and host a range of age-inclusive activities such as digital inclusion, Welsh coffee mornings, sports clubs, arts clubs, nature clubs, wellness clubs, gardening clubs and maintenance workshops, bringing people together to build on social connections and learn new skills.

Sam Hughes-Evans, Forum Manager, and Chair, Kelvin Jones, said they would like to thank the community for their continued support and The Hub team of staff and volunteers for their dedication and hard work.

Cllr Carl Worrall, also welcomed the funding boost, saying: “It is brilliant news for the people of Penparcau that this service will continue

“It goes to show that with hard work and dedication, like that which is shown by the staff and volunteers at the hub, what can be achieved.”

Rachel Richards, National Lottery Community Fund Officer for Ceredigion said: “We believe it starts with community and we are proud to support Penparcau Community Forum.

"We recognise that the Forum is helping manage change, working with local people to turn negative perceptions into positive ones.

"The Community Hub building houses a café, meeting spaces, social spaces, a youth room and outdoor area and distributes surplus food from local supermarkets.

"Overall, Penparcau Community Forum and the Hub have created a focus for positive things to happen in Penparcau.”