Letter to the Editor: In answer to Iestyn Daniel’s follow-up letter (Speaking double Dutch on the right to die? Cambrian News, 25 January) on the subject of assisted dying where he suggests that I appear to have overreacted somewhat, either out of off­ended patriotism or a strongly opposed ethical standpoint, I want to make quite clear that I feel no more patriotic towards my birth country than to my much-loved adopted country.

So, it is indeed my strongly opposed ethical standpoint that prompted me to respond to Mr Daniel’s original letter. In fact I regarded some of Mr Daniel’s statements in response to Louisa Eastland’s courageous article A right to die (Cambrian News, 23 November) such as: ‘one wonders whether she has reflected sufficiently on the implications of her wish as regards the wider society’ and ’things might turn out not to be as bad as she thinks she will’ so incredibly patronising and insensitive that I felt the need not just to correct some of the misinformation in Mr Daniel’s letter, but especially to convey to Louisa my message of support.

Wyck Gerson Lohman,
