CAR parking fees are set to be introduced on Tywyn’s promenade after decades of campaigning to keep it free for all.

Gwynedd Council has unofficially announced its decision to start charging for parking in Tywyn despite the town council producing paperwork which proves that the promenade belongs to the townspeople.

In the past, the town council has vehemently opposed any plans to charge, stating the land was gifted to the community for ‘the good of the town’ by industrialist and benefactor John Corbett in 1889.

However, the town council looks set to admit defeat on the matter.

Speaking at a town council meeting, clerk Francesca Pridding said: “I’ve had the heads-up from an official source that Gwynedd Council is going to start charging to park on Tywyn promenade.

“They know all about the covenant which states the prom belongs to the people of Tywyn but their legal team believes that it is not sufficient evidence to stop them charging to park. The prom is not their property, they can’t really do it.

“But I would point out to the council that this leaves us in a bit of a dilemma. The prom is very large and expensive to run, especially with the slipway which has its own implications.

“I suggest that Tywyn Council should seek recognition of what they own and perhaps explore the option of a lease but it’s up to the council how it goes forward.

“If we don’t ask for recognition, they will start charging regardless.”

It was then suggested in council that Tywyn Council might lease the car park to the local authority in exchange for some of the car parking fees.

See this week’s north papers for the full story, available in shops and as a digital edition on Thursday