At Barmouth Town Council’s AGM on 28 May, retiring mayor Cllr Owain Pritchard handed over to newly elected mayor Cllr Adam Hills.

Cllr Prtitchard thanked all the councillors and the clerk for their support over the year and reflected on some of the highlights – from a music festival on Coronation weekend, to a Civic Service earlier this May.

“Barmouth Town Council aims to support the local community in day-to-day issues as well as the bigger events,” he said.

“We were pleased to be able to host established events such as the food festival and late night shopping as well as reintroducing the carnival and Civic Service.

“All this wouldn’t be possible without the support of the community and the many hours put in by the councillors.”

Cllr Hills thanked Owain and his family for all the work they had put in over the year.

“Owain has been a great mayor for Barmouth and I hope I can follow in his footsteps although he is a hard act to follow,” he said.

Adam works for the NHS as a paramedic and lives in Barmouth with his wife and family.

Cllr Rob Williams was elected as deputy mayor.