It’s all change for Ceredigion charity HAHAV with a new Chair, new Chief Officer and the launch of a massive fundraising campaign on Tuesday, 4 June.

HAHAV was set up in 2015 to help people live their lives to the full when facing incurable or life-limiting illnesses. The Ceredigion-based charity also offers support to family and friends as they also adapt to new challenges.

Their services sit alongside and complement the work of the Hywel Dda Palliative Care Team with whom the charity has a strong, ongoing partnership.

Dr Alan Axford has been a driving force for HAHAV since it started. Under his leadership, the charity has gone from strength to strength, providing invaluable services for people across Ceredigion. His successor, Gwerfyl Pierce Jones, is ready to take on the mantle.

“It’s a privilege to succeed Dr Alan Axford as chair of HAHAV,” said Gwerfyl.

“Having served on the board for almost three years I have seen first hand the huge impact the charity has on the lives of vulnerable people with serious life limiting illnesses.

We are indebted to Alan Axford and the founder members, a small core staff, and the many volunteers who have helped build HAHAV to what it is today.”

Gwerfyl wants HAHAV to achieve even more, as she explained.

“There is so much more that we can do. Our core service is the home support service, which provides practical and moral support for vulnerable people and their carers.

“Our brilliant volunteers do so many of the little things that are greatly appreciated - from just sitting and listening to taking the client for a stroll, helping with simple chores, or even walking the dog. A friendly compassionate face at times of need. I want to see this service extended throughout Ceredigion.

“The same is true of our bereavement service, which offers counselling to those in need of professional support.

“A separate strand offers practical help to those who are struggling with tasks they had never needed to undertake before losing a loved one.”

HAHAV owns Plas Antaron on the outskirts of Aberystwyth.

HAHAV owns Plas Antaron in Aberystwyth
HAHAV owns Plas Antaron in Aberystwyth (Picture supplied)

“After renting the building initially we succeeded in buying it in 2023,” said Gwerfyl.

“This is already developing into a much needed living well centre and is offering a host of services, often in partnership with other organisations.

“Plas Antaron prides itself in providing a welcoming space in a homely, non-clinical setting.

“We have exciting plans to completely renovate the building over the next few years so that it can reach its full potential.

“The first phase starts this summer and will take place over four months, from July to October. HAHAV will relocate to the Morlan centre for that period.

“We are extremely grateful to the trustees there for their support.”

To realise this vision HAHAV needs more volunteers and more money.

Gwerfyl said: “If you would like to volunteer please get in touch. There are so many opportunities. As well as helping clients we need more volunteers in our retail outlets (both the shop in Pier Street and the warehouse on the Glanyrafon Industrial Estate).

“We also need help with clerical work and all kinds of practical help. There is genuinely something for everyone.

“And we need money. HAHAV receives no regular, guaranteed funding. We have to fund all our work through a mixture of donations, one-off grants and income from our retail outlets.

“That is why we are launching a major fundraising campaign.

“In order to kickstart the campaign I have pledged to do my little bit! I will be walking 100 miles in June and will match every pound raised up to £1,000. For this and all our fundraising activities, every penny will be appreciated. And more importantly, every penny will be put to good use to serve the people of Ceredigion.”

In the last six months HAHAV has also found itself with a new Chief Officer. Rhian Dafydd recently started in the role.

Rhian Dafydd has been reflecting on her new role with HAHAV
Rhian Dafydd has been reflecting on her new role with HAHAV (Picture supplied)

Reflecting on her time in the job so far, she said: “I'm about to start month six in my job as Chief Officer for HAHAV Ceredigion.

“It's been a real rollercoaster and the time has flown by!

“The job is so varied and challenging at the same time, but the one thing that is constant is how much people appreciate the charity and the services it offers.

“HAHAV started as a charity local to Aberystwyth and the surrounding area, but there is now a demand for our services across the county and we want to build on this and recruit more Ceredigion-wide volunteers.

“There is a constant need to raise awareness and there is still a lot of work to be done to this end, but there is a growing feeling that more people are aware of the charity and better understand what we do, and what we can offer.

“In this day and age a presence on social media is crucial and you can follow our various channels to see the latest activities and what the charity offers. We have a constant presence on Facebook, X, Instagram and YouTube and we have also restarted online sales with buying and selling channels such as eBay.

“We are grateful for the support we’ve received to redesign promotional resources and have invested in marketing material to help communicate messages about HAHAV's work and the services we offer. This includes new, bilingual literature, and I hope you will see these across the county, in doctors’ surgeries offices and leisure centres. We are very grateful to several local companies for helping us achieve this goal.

“One enjoyable element of the work is, of course, receiving donations and meeting so many lovely people who come to us with contributions following their own fundraising efforts after organising sponsored walks, holding social evenings or even a ploughing competition! We are so grateful for all contributions.

“It was lovely to be at the recent inauguration service of the new Mayor of Aberystwyth, Maldwyn Pryse, and we are grateful to him for designating HAHAV Ceredigion as one of his chosen charities for the coming year.

“HAHAV would of course be nothing without the volunteers and I am so grateful for their support and constant work, whether helping in the shop, moving furniture in the warehouse, sitting in the home or delivering our bereavement service.

“So if you want three words to describe my first six months – varied, challenging and fun! Let’s hope for much more to come.”

Raising funds for HAHAV Ceredigion

In order to achieve the aim of redeveloping Plas Antaron to be fit for purpose and expanding services across Ceredigion, HAHAV is launching a major fundraising campaign to raise £150,000-£200,000 within the next 18 months.

If you think you can help to organise events, large or small, please get in touch with the charity - it all helps.

The importance of volunteers

Since the charity started back in 2015, volunteers have been the driving force of HAHAV. Without them, there would be no HAHAV and they provide a valuable service, be it in the shop or warehouse, providing a bereavement support service or taking a client’s dog for a walk.

But there is always room, and need, for more volunteers. Here are some of the wonderful stories from HAHAV volunteers who share what they get out of helping the charity. Why not give it a go, there is something to suit everybody – the time you give is up to you.

A chance meeting leads to so much more

A chance meeting with Dr Axford led to Wendy volunteering. She said: “When I retired I was determined not to sit at home and do nothing, so after meeting Dr Axford I went to the shop in Pier Street on the Tuesday to sign up as a Home Support volunteer but, before my clearance came through, I was persuaded to help in the shop so started on the Thursday doing two days a week.

“Not coming from a retail background, I loved it. I meet so many new people, customers and volunteers, who have now become good friends.

“Still doing the shop, I started Home Support which was lovely, although sad at times as the clients passed away all too soon. I was so fortunate to have some lovely clients and listen to their life stories, and many were great characters.

“I also helped out in the office and now help with the dementia afternoon tea, which I love. Being a volunteer has given me some lovely friends and I can honestly say being a volunteer is the best thing ever. Why sit at home maybe on your own when you can meet new people and enjoy life.”

Volunteering to gain confidence

Annette started volunteering at the shop in September 2023 after being out of work for a year after surgery.

“I applied for HAHAV as I wanted to gain confidence and learn new skills as it will help me find a paid retail job when I am ready.

“It is also a great cause. I love it here and the staff are brilliant. Best thing I have ever done!”

HAHAV is like a big hug

In preparation for Graham’s retirement, he watched “a great TED talk which talked about the four stages of retirement”.

“The first is to feel like you are on holiday - I didn't experience this! The next stage is to try lots of different things - but what to do? I knew, from my other hobbies that I liked working with people, so I did a search and HAHAV came up.

“I applied, still not knowing what it would be like and had a friendly interview where I learned more. I then received training and was placed with my first client - this was when I truly started to understand what an amazing gift this is to offer others. I spent time with people as they approached the end of their life and built really good friendships with those individuals and their families.

“Anyone would think that these very difficult times are filled with sorrow and sadness - yes there can be times like these with some regret but there are also times of humour and joy.

“Following this positive experience, I have now trained as a grief companion where I spend time with people who are finding grief challenging. This too is rewarding to help people move through very difficult times; giving one's time freely is one of the most precious things we can do. This might involve sitting with someone, helping them deal with challenging matters at home or even going for a walk or a coffee to help with reintegration into the world.

“I've also gone one step further and trained as an anticipatory grief companion - this is a different role in that it's helping prepare families for what will become difficult times. This too is such an intrinsic part of the whole and is part of the wrap around service - the big hug if you like - that HAHAV offer.”

HAHAV's logo
HAHAV's logo (Image supplied)