COMRADES of an Aberystwyth rugby player who died in France last month have paid tribute to him as his funeral takes place in Aberystwyth today (Friday).

Steffan Rees, who was a Survival Equipment Technician for the Royal Navy, had been in France playing rugby for the Combined Services team in the World Defence Rugby competition when his body was discovered on a rocky stretch of coast in Dinard, Brittany.

The 29-year-old, who also played centre and fullback for Aberystwyth Rugby Club, is believed to have died in an accidental fall, according to reports in France.

Steff’s funeral took place earlier today (Friday) at Aberystwyth Crematorium.

Paying tribute, the Royal Navy has released a host of tributes to Steff.

In it, the Navy says: “Survival Equipment Technician1 (SET) Steffan Rees joined the Royal Navy on 17 May 2021 - joining Fisher 21-05 Platoon having conducted 10 weeks at Basic Training.

“HMS Raleigh was no real challenge with all physical and disciplinary aspects easily achieved, as one of the top performers he was given the thankless task of class leader, this role was executed perfectly, allowing Steff to bring morale to the most mundane of tasks.

“He was part of Class SETQC 21-001 HMS Sultan, where he completed his 29-week Phase 2A Survival Equipment Technician Trade training often representing HMS Sultan at Rugby wherever possible, he glided through training with no complications and was often the go to trainee for any additional work, this was down to his personal skills and approachability for both his peers and chain of command.

“Steff was the ideal student and a role model for others to follow.

“He then moved to his Phase 2B training at RNAS Yeovilton in Mar 2022 to consolidate his theory and practical skills in a live environment before he qualified as a Survival Equipment Technician in July 2022.

“Steff was predominantly employed with in the Life raft bay but had the aptitude and adaptability to work anywhere within the branch, that is of course if he wasn’t away pretending to play Rugby.

“SET Rees was an avid Rugby player who represented HMS Sultan, HMS Heron, Fleet Air Arm, Royal Navy Rugby Union first team and United Kingdom Armed Forces. He was an individual that participated in any sports he could.”

Commanding Officer, Captain Duncan Thomas said: “The loss of a young, talented, and popular Sailor impacts the entire Naval family and is a tragedy without exception.

“The thoughts and prayers of all of us here at the Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton are with the family and friends of AB Steffan Rees. He had only been at HMS HERON for around a year on completion of his phase 2B training to qualify as a Survival Equipment Technician, but in that time, he made a huge impact on all those around him. He formed so many deep friendships, both through his work and through military rugby, and will be missed by all. His loved ones can be rightly proud of his commitment and contribution to the Royal Navy and United Kingdom. I know that those who knew him best thought so very highly of him and he will not be forgotten.”

Chief Petty Officer Survival Equipment Technician Michael Fawcett added: “Steff was a trustworthy and reliable member of the SE section who could be relied upon to conduct the most challenging of tasks.

“He brought a lot of morale to the SE Section and was always seen with a smile on his face and often brought a smile to mine with his witty humour. He was a joy to work alongside even from his early days at HMS Sultan and had a promising future not only within the SE Trade but also the Royal Navy. RIP Steff"

Survival Equipment Technician Terry Mitchell said: “Having met Steffan on the train to Raleigh as a new recruit, I feel privileged to of shared rooms, challenges, moments and memories with Steff throughout our Navy careers together - all of which were accompanied by his endless humour and wit. He was motivated and driven, loyal and dependable, generous and kind - with a Welsh heart of gold.

“Sometimes in life you meet people who just make life better, they bring light and laughter everywhere they go - this is the Steffan I will not only remember forever, but who I was lucky enough to call a dear friend.

“Sleep well brother. Always in our thoughts.”

Survival Equipment Technician James Harris said: “Steffan Rees, not only was my friend, but he also became my Navy family.

“A brother, and a great man, that I could always rely on. Only those that truly knew Steffan can know just how good a person he was.

“Kind, genuine, confident and always with a smile on his face.

“The world is a lesser place without you. I’ll never forget how fondly you talked of Wales, your home in Aberystwyth, the Rugby club, your family, and Jeorgia.

“Ship mate, thank you for the joy you brought into our lives. Thank you for the laughs, the shopping trips, the advice, the crazy stories, gym sessions and life lessons.

“A legend ‘’on toast’’ as you would say my friend, my brother.

“For all of those here today, remember, do not cry because Steffan is no longer with us, smile because of the positives impact he has made and the memories that we will have forever.”