A flying instructor claims his family home has wrongly been categorised as a second home by Gwynedd Council, leaving him thousands of pounds out of pocket.

David Barma, 58, has been in an “absolutely unbelievable” long-running dispute with Gwynedd, who he says have levied a council tax premium on his band B property at Carmel where he has lived for more than 30 years with his wife and son.

The council contacted Mr Barma’s mother, Diana, 79, in Llandudno as Gwynedd believed he was living there. The mother and son say they have filled in numerous forms and sent evidence to the council for years to prove his primary residence is in Carmel, to no avail.

The council said Mr Barma should contact their taxation service and “provide any evidence requested”. The pair insist they’ve done so “several times”.

Mr Barma estimates he’s paid £10,000 more council tax than he should.

“We have given the council all the information, six or seven times. I am out of pocket to the tune of about £10,000, that is a big strain on my family income.

“I re-built the house when I came here, it’s always been my home, all my documents are registered here, my family, my life is here. The only thing we can think might have caused this issue is we used to have a remote mailbox. At one time mail started going missing so I had it redirected to mum’s for several years, but I wasn’t living there.

“Mum’s been amazing, she just wanted to help me sort it but the council don’t reply. I expect they don’t want to because they would have to pay the money back with compound interest. It makes me wonder how many others have been affected?”

Mrs Barma sad: “He was was getting community charge bills, then they started charging the 100 percent rate, now they’ve gone to the 150 percent rate, it is no joke.

“We have filled in forms, sent evidence explaining he does not live with me, despite all our pleading we’re just getting nowhere – they don’t respond. It beggar’s belief.

“I don’t know what more proof we can give; he is registered with the doctor’s there, he is on the electoral register to vote there, his driving licence is registered there, his wife and son live there, his dogs and cats are there – he does not live with me!

“This has gone on for about six years!

“We once did have a response, someone told us this has been ‘investigated’ and that council tax was due on that property – but that wasn’t the issue – he is being charged the second home rate. None of it makes sense.”

Gwynedd Council said: “We advise any Gwynedd taxpayer concerned the council tax charged on their property does not reflect the use made of that property to contact Cyngor Gwynedd’s Taxation Service and to provide any evidence requested. All claims will then be judged on their individual merit and in accordance with legislation and national guidelines.”