An MS has backed a call by the RSPCA Cymru urging people to take a “considerate approach” to celebrating the upcoming fireworks season.
Llyr Gruffydd, who represents North Wales in the Senedd, has spoken of the need to “keep animals safe and ensure their wellbeing” ahead of Halloween, Bonfire Night, Diwali and New Year celebrations that will take place over the coming weeks and months.
There are many animals that find fireworks scary, and owners will often see their pets struggling when they go off.
Animals can become frozen with fear or, in the most dangerous circumstances, can end up bolting, rearing up or charging fences.

Llyr Gruffydd MS said: “With the end of October fast approaching, we will see celebrations featuring fireworks taking place across Wales over the coming weeks and months.
“Celebrations such as Halloween, Bonfire Night, Diwali and New Year are important opportunities for fun, enjoyment and to come together with family, friends and our local communities.
“While of course, many of us will be looking forward to these events, we should also remember that fireworks can be very frightening for many animals, such as pets, wildlife, horses and livestock, as well as some people.
“That’s why I am supporting the RSPCA’s call as they encourage a considerate approach towards this year's festivities.

“Wales is a nation of animal lovers. I would like to see an approach that makes sure we keep animals safe and ensure their wellbeing.
“This includes owners ensuring that they make the necessary arrangements for their animals such as keeping them indoors, creating safe spaces for them and staying with them, if needs be.
“It is also helpful for animal owners to be able to plan ahead, and therefore displays, both public and private, advertised or shared with neighbours in advance
“It would make preparations easier for everyone for fireworks to be used on the day of the relevant celebration only.
“To avoid harming wildlife such as hedgehogs all bonfires should be thoroughly checked before lighting them.
“After the fireworks have been used they should be disposed of in a safe and responsible manner.”
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