Dwyfor Meirionnydd MP Liz Saville Roberts has paid tribute to the "exceptional courage" of survivors and renewed calls for greater tolerance and respect as Parliament marks 78 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.

Today, 27 January, is Holocaust Memorial Day. It is marked annually to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Second World War, and the millions of others killed under Nazi persecution and subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, and Bosnia.

The theme for this year’s commemorations is ‘Ordinary People’.

Ms Saville Roberts MP said: "Holocaust Memorial Day is a strong reminder that the fight against prejudice and intolerance must never cease.

"It’s an important opportunity to remember both victims and survivors and to make sure that they are not forgotten.

"With every year that passes, voices from those dark days grow fewer. That is why we must all work to keep the flame of hope alive and challenge antisemitism, prejudice and bigotry in all its forms.

"I hope my constituents will join with me to reflect on the tragic events of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides and reflect on the darkest times of European history.

"No matter what our beliefs, colour or nationality, the culture of respect is one we should have for everybody and it’s important that we as a community come together to show solidarity."

Karen Pollock CBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: "On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the 6 million men, women and children who were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators, simply for being Jewish.

"We also pay tribute to the incredible survivors, many of whom still share their testimony day in and day out to ensure that future generations never forget the horrors of the past.

"We also remember that antisemitism did not start or end with the Holocaust, we must all be vigilant, and speak out whenever it is found."