Car park users in Aberporth are being encouraged to donate to the village hall rebuild fund.
Banners have gone up in all three village car parks to remind motorists and visitors that every penny donated goes to the rebuild of the village hall and maintenance of the green spaces.
Alongside the banners, a mass leaflet drop is being carried out door to door throughout the community asking people to help fund the Heart of the Community project.
Over a million pounds has been raised towards the project including large grants from the National Lottery Community Fund and the Welsh Government. But rising costs of buiilding supplies have added an extra £250k to the bill.
"It is so frustrating," said village hall chairman Mike Harwood. "We are so nearly there - it really is one last push."
The village hall committee are continuing to apply for top up grant funding but are also asking locals to get behind the project.
Various fundraising events are being organised this summer, starting with a Spring Fair at Canolfan Dyffryn this Easter Saturday from 1pm.