A mother and son from Borth have raised £2,752 for charity.

Jenny Williamson, who raised £1,837 for Amnesty International running alongside her son in the Brighton Marathon, is already looking towards her fundraising event - a kite festival in Borth in July.

Her son, Jonah Evans, took part in the marathon to raise £915 for the charity Grassroots.“Although I trained in Borth and Jonah in Bristol, where he is studying, we ran the 26 miles together on the day,” said Jenny. “It was quite a challenge keeping up with my son, but we chatted most of the time.”

They chose different charities to support on the day, with Jenny raising £1,837 for Amnesty international.

“Amnesty has become the charity that I support regularly,” Jenny explained. “It works towards supporting basic human rights across the world, particularly in war torn areas and places where people are led by dictators. “We have a group in Borth who meet and organise fund raising events. The next one will be our second kite festival on Borth beach.

"We are hoping the weather will be as good a last year. It was such a joyful occasion. It will be on Sunday afternoon at 3pm, on 23 July.”

Jonah raised £915 for Grassroots, a charity that supports those who are aged between 16-25, offering advice and support to young people struggling with self worth.

“I wanted to help those who are struggling from depression,” said Jonah. “This charity helps people to celebrate being alive and aims to encourage people to realise their own potential.”

For more information about Amnesty Wales or Grassroots visit the websites for the two charities.