Lampeter Town Council says it is 'devastated' after vandals attacked the town's antique clock.

The clock, which sits atop the town hall, is currently being renovated, with scaffolding around the exterior

However, it appears that vandals have climbed the scaffolding, smashed the glass faces and damaged the clock hands.

The council said: "Lampeter Town Council is devastated to report that after all the hard work that has been involved in securing a grant to restore the Town Hall clock, it has been mindlessly vandalised.

Town Clock
Smashed glass and bent clock hands on the town clock (Lampeter Town Council)

"An individual, or a group of individuals, climbed the scaffolding and broke into the tower, smashing the antique glass and breaking the hands of the clock causing thousands of pounds worth of damage to Lampeter’s iconic landmark.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 or the town council.