Ceredigion-based mums and members of Bethan Davies’ fitness group who walked up three Welsh mountains to raise money for charity will tackle more peaks to raise further funds for good causes.

Bethan Davies, Emma Bates, Jen Davey, Angharad Howells, Trish McGrath, Kelly James, Emma James, Becky Hoad and Sarah Weir tackled the Welsh Three Peaks on 8 June, raising £2,366 for The Hypermobility Syndromes Association, Macmillan and Aberystwyth’s Enfys Unit for autistic children.

On 14 September they take on the National Three Peaks - Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon - to raise money for the MND Association, Papyrus UK And Welsh Women's Aid.

Bethan, who runs Bethan Davies Fitness, hopes ‘Cambrian News’ readers will donate even more money to the group’s second challenge.

Their fundraising pages explain why the group have chosen each charity.

The Three Peaks Challenge page explains: “We are raising money to help support things that have affected some our members over the last 12 months.

“We are fundraising for Macmillan cancer support as one of our members has faced the cancer of her sister and we want to raise money for such an amazing charity.

“For the Enfys unit - one of our members is one of the wonderful teachers within the unit - supporting the wonderful autistic children of Aberystwyth and their supportive families in anyway we can.

“And lastly the Hypermobility Syndromes Association, as we support one of our members care for their child with symptomatic hypermobility.”

Having raised £2,366 to split between those causes, the mums now turn their attention to their National Three Peaks challenge on 14 September to raise money for Papyrus, MND and Welsh Women’s Aid.

Their second fundraising page explains: “PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional well-being in young people. “Suicide is the biggest killer of people aged 35 and under in the UK. We believe that many suicides are preventable.

“MND Association funds research, improves care and provides support for people with MND, their families and carers.”

Fitness group member Angharad, one of the fundraisers taking on this epic challenge, said: "I am a respiratory specialist nurse who works with patients with MND in north Ceredigion.

“The MND society provide patients and families with a lot of support and research is ongoing into the disease."

To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bethan-daviesfitness?utm_term=7827pd759