A man who intentionally strangled and stalked his ex-partner her has been jailed.

Dylan Parry Jones, 28, who gave a temporary address in Barmouth, appeared at Llandudno Magistrates Court for sentencing on 26 July.

He was jailed for 22 months and given a three-year restraining order.

Following an incident on 3 March, the victim’s friend called the police reporting Jones had violently assaulted his ex-partner after he grabbed her by the throat and began kicking her, before damaging her property.

She contacted police herself a couple of weeks later, disclosing abusive, threatening, and intimidating behaviour by Jones.

As she sat with officers to report the offences, Jones repeatedly called the victim, verbally abusing her and telling her he will “terrorise her” following police involvement.

Days later, the victim made a further report that Jones was standing outside her friend’s home while she was there.

Officers attended and arrested him.

In custody he deliberately damaged the cell and assaulted three police officers.

Investigating officer PC Stephen Jones said: “Jones’ fixated, aggressive and intimidating behaviour has had a devastating impact on his victim.

“I hope today’s sentencing allows her to move forward, knowing he is no longer a threat to her safety.

“The victim has been incredibly brave by reporting Jones’ behaviour to us and for supporting this investigation under extremely challenging circumstances.

“If you are or have been a victim of stalking or domestic abuse, please report it to us online or by calling 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.”