Experts at have made it easier to understand the legal drink driving limit in the UK and have advised those who are drinking at Christmas and New Year's Eve parties to completely avoid driving afterwards, or to find a different way home.  

Although many think they’ll be fine to drive after a few pints, this can actually be over the legal drink driving limit – so it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether if planning to drive back home. 

Convictions for drink driving are severe, as they should be – hefty fines, the risk of imprisonment and driving bans will ruin Christmas: that’s why those who are drinking should plan ahead by booking a taxi or having a dedicated driver.  

Tim Alcock from said: “Most of us think that we’re fine to drive back home after having a couple of pints or a glass of wine at our Christmas parties, but actually this can put most of us over the legal drinking limit.  

“We want to send out a clear message to anyone planning to drink over the festive period - if you’re driving back home this Christmas, just don’t drink at all.” 

Although many will be drinking at Christmas parties and gatherings this year, it’s really important to know the legal limit and restrictions if driving back home afterwards – but the best advice is: if drinking, stay sober. 

The legal drinking limit for driving in Wales is 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath; 80 milligrammes per 100 millilitres of blood; 107 milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine.

As a general rule, even having two pints of beer or a glass of wine can break the drink driving limit. But there are several factors which will affect how much someone is impacted by alcohol and how much they can have and still drive.  

Physical factors such as weight, age, sex and metabolism as well as the type of alcohol, stress levels, medication and how much food was eaten on the day can all affect the impact that alcohol has.  

The penalties for drink driving are severe - that’s why finding an alternative way home to avoid drinking is the best answer when alcohol has been consumed.  

If found driving or attempting to drive whilst under the influence, unlimited fines can be handed out as well as up to six months’ imprisonment and at least a year driving ban.  

Of course, if death is the result of someone drink driving, life imprisonment, fines and driving bans can be handed out.  

It’s also important to remember that alcohol can still be in the body’s system the morning after a night of drinking.  

A pint will take around two hours to leave the average person’s body, but of course this does not guarantee the ability to drive safely.  

Although drunk drivers on the road have reduced over the last few years, the latest figures still show that 6,000 people were killed or injured. are encouraging drivers to stay safe over the festive period – the best way to prevent casualties is to avoid all alcohol if planning to drive back afterwards, or arrange alternative means to get back home.