Machynlleth’s town hall will get a long-awaited face-lift this year after funding was granted.
Y Plas’ town hall entranceway with its ramp and over-trodden grass has long been a depressing start to the otherwise grand Grade II mansion inherited as the town council’s offices.

The Georgian Y Plas has leased offices and a cafe with the adjacent 1990s town hall boasting a bar, a talks space and an events hall, but you wouldn’t necessarily know to look at it.
But that may be about to change as plans for a makeover have finally been given the financial go-ahead, with work set to begin this September and completed late December 2024.
The £146,000 project funded by Powys County Council Town Regeneration Department, National Lottery Crona Gymunedol Community fund, Garthgwynion Trust, and Machfringe will transform the hall entrance into an inviting enclosed level access area and entrance with fixed seating, planting and ‘recreational opportunities’.

The hall will still host pre-planned events during the building works. Voluntary arts organisation Mach Fringe has been leading the application for the works since 2022, and hopes to eventually transform the interior of the building too, which was built as an interactive museum and Welsh tourist attraction ‘Celtica’.