Machynlleth Town Council has issued a vacancy notice following the passing of the late town and county councillor Michael Williams.

Michael Williams had held the position of town councillor for 50 years, and the position of county councillor for 44 years.

Since his passing on 26 July, Machynlleth Council today issued a vacancy notice to the public of a casual vacancy for the Machynlleth ward.

This means a by-election will shortly take place to fill the vacant role of town councillor.

The notice states: “NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the MACHYNLLETH Ward of the Community of Machynlleth on the death on July 26th 2024 of Councillor Michael Williams.

“Rule 5 of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a community, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if, within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act, 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the county within which the community is situate signed by TEN electors for the electoral area.”

UK, Irish and Commonwealth citizens resident in Britain and over the age of 18 are able to stand in local elections for councillor, providing they are either on the local electoral register, have been a local resident for twelve months prior, have their principal or only place of work in the local area for twelve months prior, or have ownership of local property for the twelve months prior to the election.

Disqualifications for candidacy as councillor include those under brankruptcy restriction orders, those who have served a prison term for three-months or longer up to five years before hte election, thsoe convicted of electoral fruad in the last five years, and those working for politically restricted posts at the councils they wish to stand for, or whitehall civil servants.