On 9 October Machynlleth residents will vote for a new Machynlleth Town Councillor.

After the passing of Councillor Michael Williams in July, who was in post for 44-years, a by-election has been called to fill the two positions he held - as Machynlleth Town Councillor and Powys County Councillor.

Three residents have put their names forward as independent candidates for town council.

This is the second time Dai Jones has stood for council - the 59-year-old Mach Taxi driver said he is standing to give something back to the town: "Local people say Machynlleth is a forgotten town - you see the weeds only tended to by volunteers.

"That shouldn’t happen when we pay the highest council tax in Powys.

"Policing is low - the town is on it's knees.

"We lost a good councillor in Michael Williams.

"I'm standing because he was a friend of mine.

“We'll never fill his boots, he was Mr Machynlleth, but I want to give something back as best I can."

Dai supports Machynlleth Carnival and volunteers his time DJing for charity events.

The Welsh speaker says he wants to speak up against Powys County Council prioritising other areas over Machynlleth: "I will stand up and make my voice heard- any issues I'll speak out.

"I'm very proud of Machynlleth, I've got two kids living here, I've been through the education system here, we've got a great school and Machynlleth could be a brilliant town again.”

Zoe Matthews ,45, runs a small arts centre in Llandrindod Wells.

She said: "A lot of people have been asking me to stand for quite a long time, including Michael Williams, who I worked with on many community projects, and who regularly encouraged me to join the council.

"If I'm elected want to make sure there's fair representation to make sure everyones voices are heard.

"I've got a good skillset of bringing people together and taking projects in a positive direction.

"I work with a wide range of demographics, all ages, youth groups, drug and alcohol rehabilitation groups, unstably housed people, people with mental and physical disabilities, and those in domestic abuse situations, among others.

"People know that I'm a safe pair of hands and that I'll strive to find resolutions to difficult issues.

"My priorities will be relationship building and getting the best value for money out of public spending."

Zoe has lived in Machynlleth for over 20 years, having grown up in both Wales and England.

She is hosting meet and greets 10-11am at the Wynnstay Hotel each Monday until the election.

Get to know independent candidate Gwenan Phillips
Get to know independent candidate Gwenan Phillips (Gwenan Phillips)

Gwenan Jones Phillips is a teacher at a Welsh Immersion Unit in north Powys.

Born and bred in Machynlleth, Gwenan decided at 50 that she wanted to give something back to the community: "I want to give the children and young people their dues.

"I want to ensure that young people are considered in Town Council decisions, and to support businesses at every opportunity.

"I want to work alongside the other councillors to continue the good work of Michael Williams."

Gwenan said some local people had asked her to run, but the first-language Welsh speaker joked that what may be a "mid-life crisis" is really a desire to ensure residents have a strong voice in everything.

Having lived here her whole life, she said: “I’m like a Machynlleth rock - I’ve got Machynlleth running through me.

“I want to try my best for the people of Machynlleth.

“I want everything to be clear for residents - they may not agree with every council decision, but they should know it’s balanced and transparent.”