Machynlleth’s long-closed public toilets are set to reopen this November as work has begun on the renovations.

The toilets by the main car park in the Powys town have been closed since January 2023 due to repeated vandalism.

The town council could no longer afford to keep the toilets open due to the costly repairs incurred, with the toilets continuing to be vandalised after closing.

However after community outcry, the town council sought funding to repair the toilets, which was awarded this summer by Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO).

The works have now begun to install stainless steel vandal-proof toilet furniture.

The council hopes to eventually install solar panels and a rain-capture system at a later stage.

Councillor Kim Bryan who led the campaign to reopen the toilets said: “We are really excited that work is starting on the toilets.

“The new stainless steel bathroom furniture has been ordered and we are on track to have them reopen in November.

“We are really grateful to Powys Association of Volunteers for the support and to everyone from the local community who has contributed to the project.”

The building will also be getting flower beds to spruce up the facilities from local growers organisation Mach Maethlon.

Clair Swales, PAVO CEO, said: "Having previously campaigned to keep public toilets open in other parts of Powys, I am acutely aware of how important these facilities are for both locals and visitors.

“I’m delighted to hear that renovation work on this vital facility in Machynlleth has begun, made possible by the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund Community Buildings grant, facilitated by Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) in conjunction with Powys County Council."