Machynlleth football and rugby clubs suffered from vandalism during this bank holiday’s comedy festival.
The clubs estimate £3,000 worth of damage was caused by vandals breaking equipment on the sports field adjacent to the festival from 3 to 5th May.
A goalpost, floodlights and several fences were damaged whilst litter and broken glass were strewn across the field.

In a Facebook post, the FC said it was “disappointed and angry at the mindless vandalism”, adding: “Gangs of youths are causing disruption to this important source of income and if they can’t respect the town and its citizens, they are not welcome.
“We have been told that not only was it youths who arrived by train but also some locals who turned Cae Glas into a playground of idiotic behaviour.
“Alcohol was openly drunk by underage and irresponsible youths...
“Within Cae Glas, climbing the floodlight structures is dangerous, fighting is senseless, breaking bottles and the litter left behind is not acceptable. “We wish to make it clear that this is outside of the areas of the Comedy Festival's responsibility.
“The festival security provided an excellent service to their areas.
“Our sympathies are with the festival organisers who suffer more with this unwanted problem than us.”
The clubs state this problem has occurred for several years and call on Dyfed-Powys Police to be present during future large events adding, “You’ve been hiding too long”. One local parent suggested the presence of young people on the field could be related to under-18s not being allowed into the ‘big top’ bar tent where free acts are performed across the weekend.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival organisers said: "We share the absolute dismay at the vandalism... [we are] in complete agreement that these groups aren't attending Comedy Festival events, or using the Festival's bar facilities.
“As an event, we believe we have always acted responsibly to only be a positive in the town that acts as our host for the weekend.
“The reality is that Machynlleth Comedy Festival is worth well over a million pounds in visitor spend to Wales annually, and even more in terms of the town of Machynlleth.
"In recent years we have drastically reduced the level of free entertainment on offer within our Big Top space on the lawns of Y Plas, and increased security provision along with restricting access.”
Machynlleth town mayor Jeremy Paige said: “It is quite clear that assigning no police to the biggest event in this town is an absolute disgrace.
“Council taxpayers in Machynlleth are getting a dreadful service and deserve better.
“Candidates wanted our votes last week- maybe they should show some interest in preventative policing.
“We are being ignored too regularly and bearing the unfortunate consequences.
“It’s time the Police showed an interest in Machynlleth beyond us being a funding source.”
Dyfed-Powys Police confirm they are investigating the incident which occurred between 6pm 4th- 1am 5th May, calling for people with informaiton to call 101 with reference DP-20240505-126.