Machynlleth town was bedecked in Christmas cheer for the festive lights switch-on and shop-late event.
On 30 November, Machynlleth was lit up for the first time this year with a spectacular Christmas tree next to the clocktower and lights along the high street.
Santa Clause even made an appearance in his sleigh as approximately 150 people descended on the town centre for the switch-on countdown.

DJ Dai Jones played classic Christmas disco tunes and along the high street over a dozen shops stayed open late as part of the Christmas ‘late night shopping’ event in its second year, featuring minced pies, mulled beverages and music.
Machynlleth Town Councillor Llinos Griffiths said the weather treated them kindly with a clear dry night for late-night mulling, describing the festivities as a “big success”.
“Most of the shops took part and Dyfi Whole Foods had two singers that evening,” added Cllr Griffiths.
“The lighting of the tree went well and there were a lot more people watching this year, many standing around the clock but also many were lining both sides of the street outside the shops - something I hadn't witnessed before.”

Though the tree, tree lights and switch-on event were arranged by Machynlleth Town Council, Machynlleth Rotary Club volunteers each year to organise the high street lights.
This year those lights were in jeopardy of not being put up at all after the price for installation went up by 65 per cent.
These lights are usually paid for by on-street bucket donations.

This year the Rotary Club are holding a raffle at the Co-op to raise the £1,500 needed for the lights installation.
The Co-op has donated a “trolley full of stock” worth more than £100 to the raffle.
£1 raffle tickets are available at any chip shop in town and the Co-op.