Powys County Council and Machynlleth Town Council by-elections are to be held this October.

The by-elections are taking place to fill the seats of the late Cllr Michael Williams who held both town and county council seats and passed away in late July.

The candidates for the two positions have been announced after submissions closed on 12 September.

The six candidates for county councillor are:

  • Amerjit Dhaliwal (The Green Party)
  • Richard Alwyn Evans (Plaid Cymru)
  • Gareth Wyn Jones (Independent
  • Oliver Lewis (Reform UK)
  • Dylan Rees Owen (Welsh Liberal Democrats)
  • Colin Rigby (Welsh Labour)

The three candidates for town councillor are:

  • Dai Jones
  • Zoe Matthews (Independent)
  • Gwenan Jones Phillips (Independent)

The last day to register to vote in the election is 23 September. To register, visit www.gov.uk/registertovote

Those wishing to vote by post or by proxy must request this to the Electoral Registration Officer at County Hall, Llandrindod Wells by 5pm on 24 September.