The MS for Dwyfor Meirionnydd has shown his support for small businesses by joining local retailers in Bala.

Small Business Saturday, which fell on 3 December this year, is an annual campaign that exists to raise the profile of small businesses, the role they play within communities and serves to encourage people to shop local.

Speaking to local retailers in Bala, Mabon ap Gwynfor MS listened to concerns from retailers about the current cost of living crisis and volatility within the energy market and why local footfall this Christmas was so important for trade.

Mr ap Gwynfor said: “Small Business Saturday is an important initiative that encourages people to shop locally at a time of year where consumerism is high and this year more than any other, our local shops need our support.

“Small local businesses are more likely to employ locally and will have a better knowledge of what their customers want. You won’t get the same personal touch at the larger stores or online.

“Shopping locally means the environmental impact is also reduced. For example, for food produce, it is likely that a decent percentage of the produce has had a short field-to-fork journey.

“Small businesses like those I recently visited in Y Bala, form the backbone of the local and national economy in Wales, providing employment opportunities and contributing to the regeneration of town centres.

“But businesses are understandably concerned with the current economic climate, and the impact soaring energy prices and the rising cost-of-living is having on profitability and viability.

“That is why we need to be mindful that when money is spent in our local independent stores, that money stays local, contributing to the local economy and supporting jobs.

“This Christmas you can find unique gifts at shops like Siop Ria, Awen Meirion and S058, and every pound spent locally on the high-street has a bigger local impact than a pound spent in a supermarket or chain.

“What small businesses in Bala and indeed right across Dwyfor Meirionnydd need is support from both the local community and from government, who ultimately have the power to improve the outlook for many of our small enterprises.”