Senedd Member, Russell George has called on the First Minister to address significant concerns regarding the recent decision by Powys Teaching Health Board to downgrade services at Llanidloes War Memorial Hospital.

Powys Teaching Health Board has approved proposals for temporary changes to some minor injury and ward-based services in the county. At a meeting in public of the Board, members approved recommendations which included a temporary change to the model for inpatient care in Llanidloes.

The health board agreed that proposals should be introduced on a temporary basis for a six-month period.

A timetable for implementation will now be agreed, with both changes expected to be in place by December.

During a public meeting held in Llanidloes in August, which saw hundreds of concerned community members in attendance, issues highlighted were not only concerns voiced by the public and local politicians, but healthcare professionals.

Montgomeryshire MS, Mr George raised this issue in the Senedd, asking for the First Minister’s position on the matter and to highlight that it has been proposed due to the health boards financial situation.

Mr George said: "The consultation process took place over the August period, which I believe was inadequate, with many people unable to engage fully with the process, and the term 'temporary change' raises doubts among the community, with many fearing this could become permanent.

‘’The health board's decision to approve the downgrading of services was attributed to budgetary pressures. I expressed my deep concern about the implications of these cuts on patient care with the First Minister and I asked the First Minister to clarify whether she believes the consultation process was thorough and if she accepts the assurance that the changes will be temporary.’

"We need transparency about what these changes mean for the long-term future of Llanidloes Hospital, and reassurances that budgetary constraints will not compromise patient care in mid Wales.’’

“I am further concerned that a downgrading of services, will make it more difficult to retain and recruit staff at the hospital.”

‘’I was disappointed that the First Minister simply seemed to brush off the responsibility of the issue.’’

Responding to Mr George in the Senedd, The First Minister said: ‘’Service changes are not a decision for the Welsh Government, the Welsh Government's role is to provide strategic direction, and it is up to the local health boards to respond to the local needs.”