A 13-year-old Lampeter school pupil is cycling 300 miles in 30 days to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease in memory of his uncle.

Ethan Rees will clock up the miles before and after school.

He has a JustGiving page for donations and the Facebook page, ‘Ethan Rees's 300 miles in 30 days’, where people can track his progress.

The Lampeter Comprehensive school pupil, who has a keen interest in sports and education, set himself the challenge to raise money for MND after losing his uncle to the disease in 2022. Since then he has tried to do his bit to help where he can.

Ethan said: “I want to do what I can to raise awareness and much-needed funds for MND.

“The horrible disease unfortunately took the life of my Uncle Matthew, and it's so important for me that MND gets the support it so needs.

“Recently rugby player Rob Burrows died of it, and over the last few years former rugby player Kevin Sinfield has done amazing things raising money, and my uncle Barry “Finch” Davies did something great too a few years ago, cycling from Land’s End to John o ’Groats, so I thought it was my turn to step up.

“I have set up a JustGiving page and set a target of £300, and that was done on the first day before even cycling, so I know I have the full faith of everyone that I am going to be able to do this challenge.

“I am trying to make sure I do at least 10 miles a day for 30 days, however so far this week I am on 51 miles already and only three days in.

“I can't wait to be able to look back at how much has been raised and say to myself how proud I am that I was able to do what I could.”

Ethan has raised an amazing £1,010 so far, and now that he has smashed his initial target of £300 he would love to raise even more. To donate to Ethan’s JustGiving page, visit https://shorturl.at/a7DA8.