Inner Wheel of Tywyn raised over £600 for the branch’s charity account during a trip on the Talyllyn Railway.

Branch president Chris Lewis welcomed everyone to the October meeting held at the railway.

Chris gave a special welcome to Bryan Cartwright, who with the help of his family, organised the evening train trip on Talyllyn Railway last Friday.

It was decided to make a donation of £100 to the Pakistan Flood Appeal.

Four members went to the District 18 Rally in Chester to meet the president of Association of Inner Wheel, Karen Davies, and district chairman Joan Quail. It was a good day with lots of laughs.

After their meal, Bryan Cartwright presented president Chris with a cheque for £632, the amount raised on the train trip, to go in to the branch’s charity account.

Chris presented Maureen Cartwright with a bouquet of flowers and Bryan with a bottle of whisky as a sincere thank you for all their hard work.

Bryan won the raffle and Jenny Tyrell won the £10 club raffle.