Tywyn Inner Wheel has raised £400 for two local charities after holding a Mince Pie and Mulled Wine Event.

Everyone who attended the event at Abbeyfield in Tywyn on Saturday, 3 December joined in with the Christmas spirit and a good time was had by all.

Members all enjoyed themselves and over £400 was raised for charity.

Half of the profit has been given to Friends of Abbeyfield Tywyn while the other £200 was sent to Wales Air Ambulance.

Christmas-themed raffle prizes were won by Jose Price, John Reynolds, Annette Allsop, Lynda Alcock and Meg Jones.

The branch then held their December meeting at Talyllyn Railway and enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner which put everyone in the Christmas spirit.

President Chris thanked everyone for their help at the Abbeyfield event.

Grace was given by Shirley Bray and a three-course meal was enjoyed by all.

Jose Price won the club £10 raffle. Chris thanked Ian and his team at Talyllyn Railway for a lovely meal.