Cellan Village Improvement Society met recently to discuss the latest events and forthcoming activities to bolster the community.

Philip chaired the January meeting. Apologies were received from Tony, Rose, Sally and Hilary.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed and would be put on the website.

Philip presented healthy balances on all the accounts.

He reported that the roadside defibrillator signage still needed to be installed. A slight smell of diesel had been reported in the hall. Nothing untoward had been found but he would contact the heating engineer to carry out a check, service the boiler and install any appropriate detectors. Also he would contact our electrician as the hob and oven cannot be used at the same time at the moment.

Chris reported that the first Aortic Aneurysm Clinic for Men 2023 restarted on 25 January and would now run on three Wednesdays of the month, meaning 11 extra clinics over the year.

The fortnightly Diabetic Eye Screening Clinic restarted on 30 January

Lampeter Custard Queens’ singing group has been discontinued. It is hoped to start a new monthly Thursday evening Dance Group with Alex.

Film Nights restarted on Friday, 3 February. It was great to welcome so many people to the first Film Night of 2023 on 3 February to enjoy Fisherman’s Friends: One and All.

Organisers were especially pleased to see some new faces and look forward to welcoming them back.

It is hoped that the Warm Spaces Initiative can be restarted through the fortnightly Monday Lunch Club.

The committee agreed to make a financial contribution to the Village Coronation Tea Party to be held in the hall on Monday, 8 May. This will be co-ordinated by WI and volunteers will be very welcome.

Chris reported that the new, reduced 585 bus timetable is presenting problems for many users. Reduced and withdrawn bus services are a Ceredigion-wide problem.

Ben Lake MP, Elin Jones MS, Cllr Eryl Evans (Llangybi Ward), Lampeter town councillor Ann Morgan and the Cambrian News are all working hard to publicise and try to resolve this situation.

The next meeting is on Thursday, 3 March at 7.30pm.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]