Tywyn Hospital inpatient ward will close temporarily due to staff shortages, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board has announced.

Ffion Johnstone, integrated health community director for the West of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, said: “We have been working hard to recruit new nurses from the surrounding area and from further afield to work at Tywyn Hospital for some time but have now exhausted all recruitment options.

"Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to recruit adequate numbers of nurses to provide safe nurse staffing levels across both Tywyn and Dolgellau hospitals.

“With the safety of our patients as our primary concern, we have taken the difficult decision to temporarily close the ward at Tywyn Hospital and consolidate inpatient beds at Dolgellau Hospital to ensure more robust nursing cover. All other services – including outpatient appointments - will continue as normal at Tywyn Hospital.

“Over the next week, staff and patients will start moving across to Dolgellau and we are working with staff, patients and their families to ensure a safe transfer between hospitals.

"We are grateful to our staff who are working hard to help make this temporary transition as smooth and as safe as possible.

“These arrangements will be under regular review. We are still actively recruiting and our intention is to reopen the ward at Tywyn Hospital as soon as possible. However, this is dependent on securing more nursing staff and the process is likely to take several months.

“We understand this will cause concern within the Tywyn community but we have taken the decision to protect the safety of our inpatients until we can achieve sustainable levels of nurse staffing.”